Schools We Support

Cheadle Hulme High School
CHHS is a hugely oversubscribed 11-18 mixed comprehensive with a reputation for outstanding teaching and learning through the relentless pursuit of excellence and a determination to ensure that every child succeeds. More than 1,500 students attend the school, which also includes a Sixth Form and a Teaching School. CHHS has been judged Outstanding in every category by Ofsted in 2011 and 2015. Its 2018 GCSE results place CHHS in the top 2% of all schools nationally and it was deemed 'well above average' in its Progress 8 score. In 2018, half of all A level grades achieved were A/A*.

Cheadle Hulme Primary School
Cheadle Hulme Primary School, a new two-form entry school which opened in September 2018. It aims to provide a continuum of excellence and to respond to local needs. The vision is that every child’s experience at primary school will pave the way for success at secondary school and beyond and will ultimately open the door to the future of their choice.

Laurus Cheadle Hulme
This 11-16 secondary school opened its doors in September 2018 to 210 Year 7s. It addresses the need to fill a shortage of school places in the local area and provide parents with additional choice. A further seven Year 7 forms will be added each academic year until it becomes a thriving 1,050-pupil secondary school by September 2022, replicating the outstanding provision offered by Cheadle Hulme High School.

Didsbury High School
This 11-18 secondary school was approved in the July 2016 announcement of successful free school bids. It opened in September 2019 to 210 Year 7s. It will address a shortfall of places in Manchester and will replicate the outstanding provision of Cheadle Hulme High School and Cheadle Hulme Sixth Form.

Laurus Ryecroft Secondary School
This 11-18 secondary school was approved in the July 2016 announcement of successful free school bids. The school opened in September 2018 to 154 Year 7s. Further Year 7 forms will be added each academic year as it addresses a shortfall of places in Tameside. It will replicate the outstanding provision of Cheadle Hulme High School and Cheadle Hulme Sixth Form.

Hazel Grove High School
Hazel Grove High School is an 11–18 mixed, secondary school and sixth form with academy status in Hazel Grove, Stockport, Greater Manchester. The school joined the Laurus Trust in the summer of 2019.

CHHS Sixth Form
Cheadle Hulme Sixth Form is a recently built and dedicated Sixth Form Centre with full classroom, laboratory, Refectory, Auditorium and Independent Study facilities. In 2015 CHHS Sixth form were awarded ‘Outstanding’ from Ofsted.

Gorsey Bank Primary School
Gorsey Bank Primary School is a two form entry primary school based in Wilmslow, Cheshire. The school joined the Laurus Trust on 1st October 2016. Gorsey Bank has a reputation for excellence and focuses on learning in a safe environment which is inspirational, inquisitive, fun and nurtures minds.

Woodford Primary School
Woodford Primary School opened in September 2022, initially providing 30 Reception places with a further Reception class added each academic year, until it becomes a thriving 210-pupil primary school from Reception to Year Six – in September 2028.

Laurus Ryecroft Sixth Form
Laurus Ryecroft Sixth Form offers a wide range of academic qualifications, alongside an array of Electives and enrichment opportunities. This allows the school to provide students with a bespoke curriculum that meets their current and future needs and aspirations.

Hazel Grove Sixth Form
A newly developed and dedicated Sixth Form Centre with state-of-the-art ICT provision, refectory, outside spaces, auditorium and independent study facilities and a welcoming and professional environment. Hazel Grove’s vision is for every student regardless of background or circumstance, to achieve the A level grades which will open the door to the future of their choice.

Crown Street Primary School
Crown Street Primary School will open in September 2024, initially providing 30 Reception places and 20 Pre-School places. A further Reception and Pre-School class will be added each academic year, until there are 230 pupils in Pre-School to Year 6.

Didsbury Sixth Form
Didsbury Sixth Form is a newly developed and dedicated Sixth Form Centre with a state-of-the-art ICT provision, a Sixth Form refectory and independent study facilities. Students will learn in a welcoming and professional environment. The sixth form offers a wide range of academic qualifications, alongside an array of Electives and enrichment opportunities.

Priestnall School
Priestnall School is an 11–18 mixed, secondary school and sixth form that joined the Laurus Trust in the summer of 2023.